January 31st - April 1st
to be implemented by the
selected applicants
up to €150,000 per project
The goal is to test and validate the NebulOuS Meta OS platform by exploring new use cases beyond current pilots. Key objectives include demonstrating the framework’s replicability, raising awareness, engaging stakeholders, and promoting market adoption.
Open Call #2 invites applicants to propose innovative pilot projects that align with the platform’s goals and European priorities for digital transformation and green computing.
Industry startups and SMEs
• Single entity
• Consortium of maximum of 2 entities
The objective of the NebulOuS Open Call #1 is the validation of basic components of the NebulOuS architecture through new use cases in different domains than those covered already by the project and where an IoT to Edge to Cloud infrastructure is needed.
Selected applicants will have the opportunity to discover NebulOuS and its mature Meta OS stack.
• 5 projects to be funded
• €750.000 total – up to €150,000 per project and team
• 7 months implementation programme
To be eligible, the proposed use cases must demonstrate that NebulOuS platform
can cope with at least one of the challenges below:
• Challenge 1 — Workflow application
• Challenge 2 — IoT application
• Challenge 3 — Serverless application
• Challenge 4 — Open challenge
Detailed information about each challenge can be found in the Guidelines for Applicants (download below).
Click on the links below to download the respective files:
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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