Browse through all the deliverables/reports, showcasing the progress and results of the project.
Dissemination level
María Navarro (EUT), Lluis Echeverría (EUT), Elżbieta Kalbarczyk (7BULLS)
A standard reference for all Project consortium members to enable successful collaborative work and delivery of high-quality Project results. The document entails the Project’s planning, implementation, and assessment procedures, as well as specific quality assurance and quality control activities to identify deviations during the execution of the Project and related recovery actions. This deliverable comprises the ethics methodology to be followed, according to the corresponding articles of the GA, defining the members of the ethical working group.
Ethics requirements, quality assurance, risk management plan
Dissemination level
Eloy Hernandez (EUT)
A report that includes the data management strategy enabling data sharing, data privacy and data ownership. The document outlines how data will be handled during the project, and even after the project is completed, describing what data will be collected, processed, or generated and following what methodology and standards, whether and how this data will be shared and/or made open, and how it will be curated and preserved. The document will be revised at M18 and M36.
IPR, GDPR, management, data, repository, FAIR, findability, accessibility, interoperability, re-use, security
Dissemination level
Christos-Alexandros Sarros, Giannis Ledakis, Panagiotis Gouvas (UBI), Andreas Tsagkaropoulos, Dimitris Apostolou, Ioannis Patiniotakis, Yiannis Verginadis (ICCS), Radosław Piliszek, Paweł Skrzypek (7bulls), Gregoris Savvas, Fotis Paraskevopoulos (EXZ), Ali Fahs (AE), David Llordes Palou, Robert Sanfeliu Prat, Mario Reyes de los Mozos (EUT), Evangelos Barmpas, Simeon Veloudis, Iraklis Paraskakis (SEERC), Amir Taherkordi, Rudolf Schlatte, Geir Horn (UiO), Cristina Hilario Gomez (TiD), Pedro Teixeira, Sofia Rosas (UW), Michal Klosinski (AF), Maria Karageorgiou (AUG), Moritz von Stietencron (BIBA), Amir Azimian (@FIRE)
Report on the current work in all the relevant research areas of NebulOuS project and capture of relevant requirements. Bird’s view on the general architecture of the system and should lay a foundation for the integration. Each component will be described through its functional and non-functional requirements.
Meta-OS, Cloud computing, Edge computing, Fog Computing, IoT
Dissemination level
Simeon Veloudis, Evangelos Barmpas, Iraklis Paraskakis (SEERC), Yiannis Verginadis, Andreas Tsagkaropoulos, Ioannis Patiniotakis (ICCS), Geir Horn, Marta Różańska (UiO), Alexandros Sarros (UBI)
This document discusses NebulOuS’ approach to resource discovery. It presents the models underpinning NebulOuS’ resource discovery mechanism, including: a declarative model of expressing hyper-distributed components and their deployment characteristics; a declarative model for capturing QoS requirements attached to application components; a semantic representation of the capabilities and characteristics of a pool of CC resources; a model for semantically representing QoS requirements; and finally, a model for determining optimal application component placement based on the current available resource capabilities and characteristics, the component’s QoS requirements, as well as any user-expressed preferences regarding deployment. The document also presents an initial description of a prototype of NebulOuS resource discovery mechanism.
Fog computing, Cloud Continuum, application deployment, resource discovery, declarative description, semantic models, brokerage, QoS, quality assurance
Dissemination level
Elżbieta Kalbarczyk (7bulls), Maria Navarro Abellán (EUT), Lluís Echeverria Rovira (EUT) Simeon Veloudis (SEERC), Yiannis Verginadis (ICCS), Ana Luísa Alves (F6S)
This document presents the initial dissemination, communication and exploitation plans of the NebulOuS project, including its identity, the channels and tools to be used, as well as the dissemination, communication and exploitation strategy.
Dissemination, communication, exploitation, initial plan, strategy