Challenge #3 – Serverless Application


Predictive Analytics for Urban SustAinability


Serverless Application

PAUSA is a digital tool based on the NebulOuS platform that empowers local governments by streamlining urban planning and health management


Built on the NebulOuS operating system, pausa advances urban planning and public health through cutting-edge environmental supervision. Using a serverless architecture, it offers real-time pollution tracking and predictive analytics that enhance decision-making for sustainable urban development.

“PAUSA provides pollution tracking and predictive analytics, empowering cities to create safer and smarter urban spaces.”



(Portugal) FORCERA is a technology partner dedicated to the development of digital solutions with significant impact and a focus on innovation and sustainability.


(Portugal) Instituto Piaget is committed to promoting high-impact research, particularly in the context of integrated ecological, social, and human development.

Team Members

João Pereira

João Pereira

Team leader coordinating numerous projects for large corporations and R&D initiatives.

Tiago Nunes

Tiago Nunes

Full-stack developer specialized in data-intensive applications

Mateus Muller

Mateus Muller

Software Engineer specialized in data and AI applications

Ricardo Costa

Ricardo Costa

DevOps, specialized in automation and container management

Luís Moreira

Luís Moreira

Associate Professor and Research Coordinator at Instituto Piaget

Natanael Quintino

Natanael Quintino

Adjoint Professor and Research at Instituto Piaget

Toacy Oliveira

Toacy Oliveira

Adjoint Professor and Research at Instituto Piaget

Savas Yagusluk

Savas Yagusluk

Assistant Professor and Research at Instituto Piaget

Elsa Neves

Elsa Neves

Sustainability Expert at Instituto Piaget