NebulOuS at DevOpsCon Berlin 2023

The NebulOuS project had its representation at DevOpsCon Berlin 2023. DevOpsCon is a series of events focusing on the latest tools, technologies, and methodologies needed to build and maintain secure, scalable, and resilient software systems. This year’s Berlin 2023 edition of the conference, gathered many specialists from the IT industry, including Paweł Skrzypek, Chief Multi-Cloud Architect at and NebulOuS team member. Paweł delivered a presentation entitled: “Have your head in the clouds while keeping your feet firmly on the ground“, introducing the NebulOuS project and its novel, metaOS approach to the cloud-fog-edge computing continuum.

The virtual session promoting the NebulOuS project was conducted on 14th of June 2023, as a part of Cloud Platforms and Serverless conference track.

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