Last month, December 7th, Yiannis Verginadis from ICCS, represented NebulOuS at the webinar organized by Eclipse IoT and CloudContinuum: IoT and Edge at Eclipse: Making Sense of the Puzzle. During the webinar, the Eclipse IoT and Edge open-source portfolio was presented, and a first architecture overview of the research projects involved in the CSA was shared.
Within the OpenContinuum CSA, the Eclipse Foundation is in charge of the task “Strategies and actions for driving Open Source initiatives in Europe”. One of the goals connected with the task is to initiate a collaboration between the six Horizon Europe projects involved in one of the clusters: aerOS, ICOS, FLUIDOS, NEMO, Nephele and NebulOuS.
The recording of the webinar, at which all above-mentioned projects were presented is available on YouTube. By watching it you will be able to find out more about NebulOuS, and explore other projects from our cluster.